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50 Shades of Planning: Episode 125 – What do we want?


The latest episode of 50 Shades of Planning, brought to you in partnership with Cratus Group, is available to listen now.

With a General Election now imminent Sam Stafford thought that it might be interesting to try to compare what is being offered by the main political parties in relation to housing, planning and development with what the housing, planning and development sector would like to see being offered. Sam speaks to new friends of the podcast Richard Blyth, Tony Mulhall, Marie Chadwick and Ian Fletcher, and old friend of the podcast Paul Brocklehurst, about the policy proposals that their respective organisations are promulgating.

Richard is Head of Policy & Practice at the RTPI; Tony is a Senior Specialist at RICS; Marie is Policy Leader at the NHF; Paul is Chair of the LPDF; and Ian is Director of Real Estate Policy at the BPF.

Sam invites them all to outline their respective manifestos and then they focused on two key areas that everybody agreed need to be addressed: the need to get more resources into LPAs and the need to reintroduce strategic planning whilst at the same time getting local plans moving again.

Towards the end of the episode Sam also asks Marie about the issue of RPs not bidding for S106 sites, which is a very live one at present.

50 Shades of Planning is the podcast by planners and for planners, so if you would like to use it as a platform for sharing anything that you think we need to be talking about then do please feel free to get in touch with Sam at [email protected].


Cratus Group partners with 50 Shades of Planning podcats series