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Communities – Kingsgrove Planting


Cratus Communities made the most of the sunny days in March doing what they do best, bringing people and whole communities together.

The team worked alongside St. Modwen Homes at their Kingsgrove development, planting over 400 trees for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Green Canopy initiative. They had a full team of planters, with help from the Oxfordshire Lord Lieutenant Mrs Marjorie Glasgow, Town Mayor Cllr Major Jim Sibbald, local residents, councillors and 59 students from Wantage Primary Academy and Fitzwaryn School.

The Queen’s Green Canopy will create a lasting legacy that benefits people, wildlife and the climate for future generations, through a network of individual trees, avenues and woodlands to mark the Queen’s service. This was the first of many Jubilee celebrations the Communities Team has organised this year, from tree planting to street parties for The Big Lunch. It is great to see one moment connect communities across the country, while creating opportunities for locals to come together, and spend time with friends and neighbours.

I enjoyed getting a chance to speak to key local figures such as the Lord Lieutenant and Mayor of Wantage and the pupils from schools all while putting my gardening skills to good use for the Queen’s Jubilee-  Imogen Spencer, Senior Account Executive Cratus

To find out how we can help you improve engagement with your local community, get in touch with our Communities team lead – Gemma Gallant, MD, Communities and People.

Communities - Kingsgrove Planting

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