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Communities Pop-up Events


By Fae Rashbrook

Over the past few months, the Communities team have held a series of pop-up events on behalf of London City Airport. These events have run alongside the formal planning consultations held in the Boroughs nearest to the airport.

Last week, Gemma Gallant, Managing Director and Head of People and Jenny Cooper, Senior Account Manager, from Cratus’ Communities team, led a staff engagement event at the Airport. The event allowed staff to have questions answered about the proposal and gather valuable feedback from those who know the airport inside and out all whilst being able to enjoy a free lunch.

Throughout the day, Gemma and Jenny were able to meet pilots, air hostesses, fire safety team, caterers and luggage handlers as well as numerous other staff members working hard to keep passengers safe. They were lucky enough to be given a tour of an airport fire engine and an ‘airside’ tour.

Whilst Gemma and Jenny were busy at the airport, Fae Rashbrook, Account Executive, and Imogen Spencer-Dale, Account Manager, spent a rather rainy day gathering feedback from members of the public at Walthamstow Market. The two managed to speak to around 50 residents about the proposal and were able to gather valuable feedback from those who may not usually engage with more traditional consultation methods.

With just two more pop-up events to go before the end of the consultation period, the Communities team have thoroughly enjoyed their summer of pop-up events and looks forward to supporting London City Airport going forward.

Communities Pop-up Events