Cratus is delighted to announce a partnership with FOOTPRINT+ on their new Local Authority Lounge.
The event launched last June in purpose-built pavilions on Brighton’s seafront overlooking Rampion wind farm. As event co-founder Tim Pyne says, “Carbon emissions from buildings are responsible for a huge proportion of climate change. We are dealing with an issue which is bigger than any of us, and coming right this way”.
FOOTPRINT+ is a conference and exhibition which was established as a Centre of Excellence exploring means of carbon reduction for the property sector. Last year they brought together over 2000 property delegates across 3 days in June who learnt from and engaged with 195 speakers of the very highest calibre imparting a wealth of experience and knowledge.
Some of this was very hot off the press; as they explain, the subject is developing so quickly that if the conference programme was finalised now, it would be out of date by the time of the event. Much of what is presented on stage hasn’t been heard anywhere before, so there is a tangible feel of excitement and discovery which runs through the entire 3 days. It’s unique.
Delegates arrive with a carbon-reduction requirement, be they developers, asset managers or Local Authorities. They can then attend the talks in four theatres, each covering a subject: Retrofit Agenda, Zero Carbon Energy, Financing the Carbon Revolution and The Circular Economy. In the exhibition area they can meet companies with proven track records who can help them put what they’ve learnt into practice on the ground. FOOTPRINT+ is a very intensive hot-bed of networking, discussion and learning right up to the very end, as we witnessed ourselves even including on the train ride home.
Last year a lot of people left holding a huge sunflower; 1500 had been grown for the show illustrating the end of the reliance on fossil fuels, and the move to energy from the sun. They were a typically fun but very symbolic touch from one of the most innovative event organisers we have ever worked with.
As far as Local Authorities are concerned, Cratus have made this move because we firmly believe that FOOTPRINT+ is the best event addressing this very real and urgent issue, and from the Local Authorities’ perspective, it is an ideal opportunity to learn a huge amount and network with the best people in the sector.
We look forward to welcoming you there.