On Monday 29th February 2016 the London borough of Redbridge’s planning committee granted planning permission for Al Noor’s plans for the Newton industrial estate. The Al Noor Trust were seeking permission to develop a temporary primary school on a largely empty industrial site next to the A12 in Redbridge. Their plan was for a two year permission to allow their permanent site elsewhere in the borough to be redeveloped into a 420 pupil school.
Cratus undertook the engagement work for Al Noor through leafleting the local area, hosting exhibitions on site for the residents and politicians to attend, engaging with the Cabinet Member, writing the scheme’s SCI, providing political and public engagement advice to the Trust on the issues of concern to the residents and producing a Member Briefing highlighting the benefits of the scheme for the Regulatory Committee taking the decision in the days prior to the meeting. The scheme was approved unanimously by the Committee.