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We're more than an agency. We're change makers.

Episode 5 – Transport


This week we brought you the fifth episode in the Cratus and Stantec webinar series, ‘What Has The Environment Ever Done For Us?’

Now available on demand, this episode revolved around the theme of transport, with special guest speakers: Greg Marsden (Professor of Transport Governance at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds and Network Director at DecarboN8) and James Birch (Managing Director of Local Highways and Executive Sponsor for Sustainability at Kier).

Greg and James were joined by our regular panel: Nick Kilby and Vikki Slade from Cratus, as well as Keith Mitchell, Jonathan Riggall, and Jenny Hughes from Stantec.

Alongside our nominations of headline of the month, climate hypocrite of the month (Marks & Spencer), and climate hero of the month (HRH Prince Philip); Greg and James provided a compelling insight into the transport sector’s route (or as we found out in this case, routes) to net-zero. Conversation ranged from the impact and importance of Electric Vehicles to the decarbonisation of road works.

Our next webinar will be looking at the role of the housing sector in the UK’s ambition to reach net-zero, where we will be joined by Rob Boughton, CEO of Thakeham Group. Registration for the event will be open on our website shortly.

Haven’t caught up with the previous episodes in the series? You can find all previous episodes here. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the series and any of the content that’s been discussed by our panel so far. Please send any feedback to [email protected].

If you would like to find out more about how Cratus can support you and your organisation in reaching your climate goals, please contact Vikki Slade.

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